Little Langdale
This map shows that only one of the six green lanes near Little Langdale cannot be used by motor vehicles.
High Tilberthwaite (U5001)/High Oxenfell (U5004)
Routes used by convoys from the UK and abroad despite local complaints starting in 2000
Substantial evidence of harm to natural beauty and amenity (e.g. 85% of non-motorised users surveyed want a TRO because of impact on their enjoyment of the area)
Lakes Parish Council votes to recommend TRO for U5001; Skelwith Parish Council requests restrictions on access for motor vehicles on U5004
Farm work severely disrupted by recreational motor vehicles on both routes
Calls for TROs from UNESCO World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS and National Trust (the landowner)
Vehicles leaving route into ecologically highly sensitive bogland
Traffic peaks of up to 50 motor vehicles a day
Repaired by CCC (Cumbria County Council) in 2018/19 at a cost of £50,000
Against UNESCO request LDNPA sets up management group on which motoring organisations are massively overrepresented. The remit of the group excludes discussions about closure to motor vehicles.
We took legal action against the National Park Authority because it refuses to protect our fell tracks with TROs.
Restore our lanes to their pre-2000 condition as
quiet, beautiful fell tracks!